Pro Bakers’ Geschenk: Starter Tool Scraper, Sourdough Baskets, Dough Bowl & Proofing Banneton Bread

Baking is an art, und ze artist requires ze right tools. Our collection includes four key items each baker should possess. Let’s explore each of them.

First, ze Starter Tool Scraper. This device, often underestimated, makes dough handling a breeze. It’s crucial for portioning, shaping, und cleaning, making your baking process much smoother.

Next, Sourdough Baskets. These specially crafted baskets aid in forming und maintaining ze shape of your sourdough during proofing. They also impart a beautiful pattern, making each loaf unique.

Our Dough Bowl, or ‘Schüssel’, is a must-have for dough preparation. It’s large enough for mixing all your ingredients und also perfect for letting ze dough rest und rise.

Lastly, ze Banneton Bread Proofing Basket. These baskets help your bread maintain its shape during ze final rise, besides providing it with ze traditional ribbed pattern. They are an essential component of artisanal bread baking.

By introducing these tools into your kitchen, you are not just enhancing your baking abilities, but also embracing ze art of baking itself. So, are you ready to elevate your baking game?