How to Use Cavity Glass for Wilton Shot Cookie?

The cavity glass, often seen in various baking endeavours, has its unique charm and utility. It’s particularly valuable when you’re aiming to make the perfect Wilton shot cookie. This cookie, a marvel of baking finesse, can be enhanced tenfold with the correct use of a cavity glass.

Choosing Your Cavity Glass: It’s crucial to pick one that complements the size and depth of the cookies you’re aiming to create.
Preparation: Before you begin, ensure the glass is cleaned thoroughly. Any residue can alter the texture of your cookie.
Using the Glass: Once your cookie dough is ready and laid out, gently press the cavity glass onto the dough. This will create a perfect indentation, ready to hold any fillings or toppings you desire.
Baking with Precision: With the cavity created, bake as per the specified time. Ensure the depth of the cavity remains intact, not letting it close up during the baking process.

Mastering the use of cavity glass can elevate the aesthetics and taste of your Wilton shot cookie.